Counselling and Psychotherapy is confidential - which means, generally, everything you say stays between us.
I am not connected to your GP or Medicare. Therefore I would not share the content of any sessions, or even that you're having therapy sessions with your healthcare provider. You do not need to have a mental health plan or any formal diagnosis to see me. Therapy with me will also never be on your medical records unless you choose to disclose you are seeing me to a medical provider (i.e. your GP).
In extreme circumstances, there is a legal duty for me to break confidentiality, but I would always try to do this with your knowledge and consent while supporting you through this process.
These extreme circumstances could be:
On a final note, clinical supervision is standard practice in the counselling and psychotherapy field, and all professional bodies require therapists to have regular supervision sessions with a qualified practitioner. During this time, our work with you may be discussed without breaking confidentiality (i.e. I would not identify you to my supervisor).
If you would like to know more, feel free to contact me, or book a free 20-minute intro session where we can discuss any concerns you may have.